Monday, July 20, 2009

Dearth of Travel Literature - Real or Fictitious?

I have recently become a travel literature junkie (I am not sure if there is any word that describes this mania!)...I have realized if I cannot get time and money for a decent holiday, I can at least read about the various places all over our planet...While most reading seems to bore the hell out of me now-a-days (really strange!) but I voraciously chew down any and every piece of travel information that I seem to get off the internet... is an excellent source for this..But more on the internet feed later...
With this in mind, I have been browsing the Travel Sections across bookshops...While I admit my sample size is not significant enough but my observations may be bang on...
I get the sense that in India (again extrapolating from a few big bookshops in Gurgaon & Delhi!) travel literature primarily comprises of Lonely Planet, Rough Guide spanning the world...If however your interest tends more towards the story telling element a la travelogues, then what you will have are books on spiritual awakening of various foreign (and some Indian!) writers while traveling through India...Again mis-perspective!
If I actually want a good read on any other geography (and even about India!) I feel myself starved of just entertainment...Yes there is Bill Bryson to throw light in his unique way but sigh again that is the end...
While I do not confess to reading each and every book that is available, but for some reason what I see off the internet I can never seem to find it on physical bookshelves...

What did I learn from Happy Gilmore?

I watched Happy Gilmore on TV over the weekend...although I have seen the movie many times before and found it to be one of the staple formats which comes from Adam Sandler...the poor underachiever who realizes what he is made of by the end of the movie...normally accompanied by same actors in most of his movies...Honestly the only movie that I think is worth a repeat watch is 'The Wedding Singer' and '50 First Dates'. The remaining can be clearly relegated to days when there is absolutely nothing else to watch...

However coming back to 'Happy Gilmore', I realized the movie did have something interesting to say and it is summed up in one simple question - "What is your Happy Place?"

I thought to myself - how simple an answer it will be...and that's where it started to get complicated...My happy place or rather places became a jumble of lush, green fields with a quiet, peaceful river/lake flowing by, people that I wished I could meet, books that I so had my eye on but such a lack of time...Phew! it did get tiresome after a while...

And that is when it struck me - do we know what is our Happy Place?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Start of the Month

Have you seen the latest Cadbury's ad - it's quick and snappy under 30 sec actors...just a voiceover reminding you that it is the start of the month and time for some celebration (in this case by eating Cadbury's chocolates :))? If you haven't I have a sense that you will not have to wait till next 1st to see it...

The USP of this ad is not about the actors, or the visual story that Cadbury excels in, it is in its ability to capture a universal principle in such a simple manner (and this commercial has been running since 12AM last night - I know I was up then :)) - as soon as we see our salary in the bank account (the messages from the bank regarding your bank balance are never more welcome!), it is literally a time to celebrate...and if the month starts around the weekend then it is an absolute party...


Hey just a question out for the cyberspace - do you guys have Janice(s) (a la Friends!) at your workplace, in your personal spaces? Would love to hear of them...and swap notes too (yes as guessed I have a Janice at my workplace too!!!)

I must say though for every Janice in this world, it is very quick to put on a Joey expression...